What Love Actually Means – An attempt to decode what no one has yet decoded … except of course the Corinthians in the Bible perhaps but those are just characteristics of what Love should be like and not what it actually is …
The Death of a Dream, The Birth of Several Others!!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008 Here is the deal, the biggest shock that people receive some of them repeatedly, some of them not so frequently and some who are almost as old as I am are breakups. A break up is the death of a dream, the death of a relationship. It is the end of […]
Sunday, October 26, 2008 The most difficult thing in the world is not what most of us think it usually is like climbing the mount everest, bungy jumping for the first time, scuba diving, or simpler things like losing weight. It is simply making peace with the past. In other words, it means forgiving yourself […]
When an empath travels
Let’s get straight to the point. I am an empath – as freaky and unnatural as it sounds – it is true. Google who an empath is and you will know. Most of us empaths have had a troubling past maybe the ability was always there but it needed the worst as the only coping […]
To be or not to be – either ways it is!
There’s a reason we call it Life Cycle or a Vicious Cirlce or that it came full circle. And, I would prefer to call it a circle, it refers to Life. Life is indeed a circle because it’s all connected the present to the past and the past to the future and all the other […]
- Let me speak
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Pandora, thou art cruel to Poor Benjamin!
My world is my own to comprehend. I may let you in, most reluctantly; however, it wouldn’t make sense to you. You wouldn’t be able to comprehend things by the rules you and yours have made and the way you see the world. My world is inside me. It would be difficult for you to […]
- Let me speak
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Secondary Citizen: The Art Of Being A Runner Up On Your Own Turf
What’s been happening lately? Nothing personally, but quite a lot everywhere else. The sum total of my experiences at this point of time is zero; however, when you add what’s been happening around the world and how we relate to it, it’s a relatively staggering higher percentage. Nearly 12.7 percent of the total world’s population […]
Why you can’t feel like a raped woman India?
Many blog posts begin with this statement – it’s been long since I posted something on this blog. It is a justification, more so an apology to oneself and perhaps to whatever the few readers humble, forsaken and forgotten blogs like mine have. It was an accident that I stumbled across this blog today when […]
It’s quiet, It’s late, it’s night; Not a soul, none in sight! Up and awake, Retrieving lost hopes tonight; Hoping to gather fresh Insight! Ridiculous, ain’t I? Adding life to the dead; Going where no one dares Tread! Still walk, I stumble, I fall; I open my arms, embrace it all! The Spirit, In Veins, […]
Tuesday, April 22, 2008 Every time I think, I get carried away to a sea of contemplation, fortunately a sea that does end somewhere. At the moment the topic for my contemplation is Equality. They say all are created equal. Then why are men and women not equal? Why do we have racism, communalism, chauvinism […]